I'm gonna be a guest (that means I get to go there free) at Bakuto Osaka. It's a huge art gathering in Osaka, Japan (in case you were thinking Osaka, Minnesota) encompassing dance, performance art, skateboarding, film, robot battles(whoopie!), music and for the first time this year, tattooing! I have no idea what I'll be doing, but whatever they want, I'll give it my best shot. The dates are September 18th and 19th and plans are also underway for my own 'lil gallery show too while I'm there!
Thanks to superartist Ben Hori from Chopstick Tattoo and the always wonderful Crystal Morey, publisher of Gomineko Books, for somehow pulling the wool over the eyes of the folks in charge ("Oh yes, he's HUGE in the states!") and letting me participate in, what sounds (and I'm sure will be) quite amazing!
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