Just in time to send to your Valentine sweetheart, a huge selection of the offbeat, odd, perplexing, inappropriate, outlandish, bizarre, sexist, eccentric and far-out funny cards, all collected in one place ...for YOU (with love)! When the artists and writers were hunched over cranking out thousands and thousands of little innocent Valentine cards to be passed out among young classmates and sweethearts, I have no idea if they ever noticed that a few had a pretty obvious double entrée meanings. But the good news for you is ...I have!
Subject matter includes anger issues, from punching, stabbing, shooting your loved one to running them over with your car. "A woman's place is in the home" themes with pots 'n pans, brooms and dust pans expressing how your heart beats for them. "Find the hidden penis" is a M.O'C Blog Valentine favorite with suggestively placed rulers, logs, bananas, balloons, rocket ships, and hot dogs showing how you really, REALLY feel! And, yes, there are a few that are funny on purpose (just for the heck of it)!
So email your favorite, or go old-school and print it out, but either way, you're sure to capture the heart of your intended (or make sure they never talk to you again)! And fellers- these go great for gift giving with my new book! http://www.mitchoconnell.com/merchandise/merchandise.htm