A year or two back I was taken into the fold of an elite group of sportsmen, The Gamebreakers, Chicago’s premier Timber Lanes bowling team. Well, maybe not ‘premier’ but definitely “a” bowling team! And when Gamebreakers drafted me, at no additional charge, they also got a little one year old version of me, aka Aiden Shane Bullitt O’Connell. I blissfully bowled away every other Sunday in the league with Aiden under my arm, until it dawned on me that this might all be fun, but it’s also kinda serious. I realized the vibe of just a few folks (99.9% were very easy going) that wondered (reasonably) why couldn’t I find someone to watch the tot for a few hours, or maybe I could put him in the stroller when it’s my turn, or maybe Aiden could pay for a round every once in awhile? So I double downed on Aiden (and myself) having perfect bowling alley etiquette, but the excited Aiden soon started giving hi-fives to everyone, then he started shouting “Go Dad!” or “Go (insert your name here)!” when it was someone else's turn. The clincher was when he got a “Gamebreakers Jr” and “Timber Lanes” bowling shirts from Santa. Now he’s slowly edging his way out of the distraction category and into the mascot category. So, hat’s off to The Gamerbreakers, Timber Lanes and the bowling league for a big batch of serious Sunday fun!
Now if I could only figure out how to knock down those pins. |
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