Friday, September 30, 2011

Helpful Rush Hour Tip!

Make sure the bicyclist is so close that he can't swerve out of the way when you swing open your car door.
Get ready for laffs aplenty!

World's Best Dad!

Friday is the day I put aside to brag about myself (Yes, I also put aside the other 6 days for that subject too. What's your point?!).
You might know that I like to purchase "World's Best Dad" statues and tell people they're from my kids. Well, it turns out, from the Dad options my kids have (one), I AM actually the best!
Ran across these items. Kieran's 5th grade class drawing has me in the "Role Model" section (hopefully not as a fashion role model) and on Leo's old "Student of the Week", the "Person I Admire" is ...Oh, I'm too modest to say. But I'll type it, "My Dad".
Next post will show proof about how much the cats love me.

Thursday, September 29, 2011

More Amazing Artwork!

Along with posting funny old ads, I find time to draw too!

Sexiest Man Alive

Miss Talamacker, please take a letter...
Dear People Magazine,
Having won "Sexiest Man Alive" for the last 10 years, I herby recuse myself from the competition. I've decided to let other, less sexy, gentleman have a chance in your poll.
Best Wishes,

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Odd Moments in Advertising!

This is the same story I tell at parties.
Why won't anyone believe me?!!

Odd Moments in Advertising!

These are the women I keep on call when I lean forward and shout through the slightly ajar bathroom door, "We're out of toilet paper!"
I briefly thought of the joke ending with me shouting, "I'm finished!", but it made me a little queazy, so I'm sparing you.
I also remember a series of ads with tuxedo clad male models posing with sanitary napkins. As soon as I find 'em I'll post 'em!
You come up with the 3rd joke!

Chicago September 1977!

What are some of the fun things you could be doing 34 years ago in the windy city this month?
If you're fancy, you could attend The Theatre! The 3 best options (in my opinion), Vincent Price in "Diversions and Delights", Mickey Rooney in "Hide and Seek" or The Amazing Kreskin doing his mind-bending show!

Relax at the movies!

For those with a yen for higher learning, you could be putting your nose to the textbooks! Meet my pal Joe, who, like me, is Awkward Family Photo worthy!
Who's in the mood for a Snow White sandwich?!
Staying home and watching tv!
Still staying home and watching tv!
You could be buying a used car from Frank while resisting the urge to adjust your television (kids, before cable, tv's had atennas attached to 'em. You had to move those two skinny poles around to get clear reception. If your tv didn't come in, the screen would resemble Mr. Bolea's jacket. I wish I could make topical references. Save alot of typing)!
If you were cool, you would be buying a used car from WVON's Joe Cobb AND get a "grand in the hand". My favorite part, you got a personally signed photo of the radio superstar too, who, for some reason, he signs his name in quotation marks. Is that what happens when you reach a certain celebrity plateau?
Just wondering!
Best Wishes,

Komic Komedy!

That Spiderman, what has he got himself in this time?!
That Supergirl, what has she got herself in this time?!
That Robin, what has he got himself in this time?!
That Thinker, what has he got himself in this time?!

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Chicago Sights!

Whenever I've jogged south of the homestead, I usually pass Kim's Photo on Lawrence and admire their wares. They're meticulous on updating the window displays every 30 years, whether it needs it or not!

Also, Kim's Photo has a Very Important Sunday message for all of us. Like me, you might have been brainwashed by the white devil into thinking the last supper was held at a "white's only" country club.
Prepare to have your ever lovin' mind blown!

Kid's photos, who doesn't love 'em?!
I've had my children for a combined total of 29 years and I've accumulated DOZENS of pics of those two scamps. But Kim's Photos showed me the difference between Professional and Amateur, because not ONE of mine is of the heartfelt "giant baby washed up on shore" motif!

Saturday, September 24, 2011

Weight Watchers Tip #7!

Don't believe anything the ice cream says, it's just fine!
It only wants to trick you into seeing how irresistibly delicious it is!


The World famous website "Awkward Family Photos" has deemed my High School band photo to be truly Awkward!

When Underwear was Funtawear!

Out of the era of Studio 54, cocaine spoon necklaces, Casablanca Records and neon polyester shirts, only one trend will always remain in fashion!

Friday, September 23, 2011

More Mitch Merchandise!

This just in from the fine folks at Retro A Go-Go!
Mitch canvas prints!
Now your dull walls can finally have that M.O'C Touch of Klass!

A spankin' new devil gal cigarette case! Now, if smoking itself weren't cool enough, with this accessory, you'll be entering the BEYOND cool zone!
And more!
How do I properly frame all the pictures I've clandestinely taken of Mitch through his living room windows?
Problem solved!
Now, with this "Mighty Magna-Frame" you display your favorite M.O'C photos attached to any metal surface! Your Refrigerator! Your Car! Your Metal Plated Head!
The possibilities are ENDLESS!'Connell/Categories

Inked: Tattoo Imagery in Contemporary Art

Check out my Facebook (open to the public) photo album
for a peek at-
NIU’s Jack Olson Gallery exhibit “Inked: Tattoo Imagery in Contemporary Art”
In a couple weeks a stunning catalog of the show will be available too! Monday, Aug. 29, through Thursday, Oct. 13.
Northern Illinois University
DeKalb, IL 60115Located in Room 200 of the Visual Arts Building, the Olson Gallery is open from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Monday through Thursday and from 10 a.m. to noon Friday.
For more information, call (815) 753-4521 or email

School Daze!

Just returned from spending the day at Leo's high school, Lane Tech, for the "Meet the Teachers" festivities. Got to follow his schedule by attending each of his classes, Early World History, AP Microeconomics, Spanish 3, AP Computer Science, Advanced Algebra with Trig-22, English 3 and Physics. I got mentally exhausted just spending 10 minutes in each room.
My happiest day of higher learning was enrolling in art school. I would never have to think again. Mission accomplished!
Highlight (besides all the teachers having nice things to say about the first born)? This Leo (and whoever the heck this "gary" is) painted mural in the science room!

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Honky Tonk Hootenanny!

Sadly, went to buy tickets for me and the kids (I even was going to shell out extra for the reserved seats!), but found out it's an 18 and over show (why can't they keep their pants on?), so you'll have to enjoy the great fun without me. :-(
Guess me 'n the kids will have to drink our moonshine at home!

The Famous Brothers!
1328 W. Morse Ave. in Chicago
With Special Guests The Wood Street Bloodhounds & Sarah Holtschlag (who plays a saw!)
Showtime is 7 pm/Tickets are $10
Call 866-468-3401 or go to

Fun at the Fair!

Some people vacation in the Alps, others, the Bahamas. Some (ok, just me) travel to the Tennessee State Fair.What a coincidence! This also happens to be what the ladies call me.

Artistic Photographer At Work!
"Huh? My kids were here just a second ago.
You don't think…?
It couldn't be…!

And the daytime Emmy award goes to… MITCH O"CONNELL!!!

Why does the Ham Room have so many @#&**@!!@! rules?!


NIU’s Jack Olson Gallery will host “Inked: Tattoo Imagery in Contemporary Art” from Monday, Aug. 29, through Thursday, Oct. 13.
Northern Illinois University
DeKalb, IL 60115

Reception and gallery talks are scheduled from 4:30 to 6 p.m. Thursday, Sept. 22.

Curators Agnes Ma and Peter Van Ael are interested in showcasing the wide range of media and concepts contemporary artists use as they engage tattoo imagery in their work. The exhibition brings together the work of seven artists, all of whom bring a highly individual approach to exploring tattoo imagery.

Featured artists are Jeff Crisman, Glen C. Davies, Gary Dobry, Maren Erwin, Michael Ferris Jr., Ellen Greene and Mitch O’Connell.

Located in Room 200 of the Visual Arts Building, the Olson Gallery is open from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Monday through Thursday and from 10 a.m. to noon Friday.

For more information, call (815) 753-4521 or email

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

I'm Too Sexy For My Suit!

A public shout out to lovely, talented and knowledgeable Ruth Kaufman for joining me downtown for some suit shopping. My wardrobe was last updated when MC Hammer had a #1 hit and the double whammy of my lack of taste and ability to make correct purchasing decisions made me quite grateful for her helpful presence. Besides feeling a little uncomfortable because she insisted checking out my rear "to see if the jacket hung right" about 40 times (even when I wasn't wearing a jacket), all went smoothly.
My idea of a black suit, black shirt and black tie will have to be acquired when she's not looking because Ruth would have no part of it, but because of her you might see me strolling about town in my new grey suit, with possibly a colorful shirt and tie

The Price is Right!

Coming soon to the Portage Theatre in Chicago!
But in the meantime, feel free to download (and print out) your very own 11 by 17" poster @